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Posts tagged with "Design Thinking"

Design Sprint
⚒⚒⚒ | $$$ | ⏲⏲ | A “design sprint” is an intensive workshop lasting several days where the participants develop a human-centered solution for a real problem in product or service innovation. To generate as many creative ideas as possible, the development team that completes the Design Sprint should be as diverse as possible. The combination of creativity techniques and the participants’ diverse characteristics help the group think outside the box and develop new innovative solutions.

Design Thinking Training
⚒⚒ | $$ | ⏲⏲ | In the long run, companies will deliver more innovative goods and services that consider the interests of various diversity groups by integrating Design Thinking into research and development. Through a “train the trainers” program, research & development executives are trained to use Design Thinking approaches in innovation processes.

Design Thinking Workshop
⚒⚒⚒ | $$ | ⏲⏲ | In the long run, companies will deliver more innovative goods and services that consider the interests of various diversity groups by integrating Design Thinking into research & development. In a diversity-sensitive Design Thinking workshop, participants learn to think outside the box through different creativity techniques. Moreover, they also learn about diversity aspects in an application-oriented context.

Diversify Personas
⚒ | $ | ⏲ | Personas are fictitious characters that represent different user groups and are usually derived from interviews with real people. Representing the needs of different user groups with the help of personas is an inherent part of many UX design processes. The diversification of personas helps to identify blind spots at an early stage, to cover user needs as holistically as possible, and thus to enable innovation.

Diversity Hackathon
⚒⚒ | $ | ⏲⏲⏲ | The “diversity hackathon” is a compressed version of the Design Sprint. The one-day workshop aims to develop innovative solutions to increase inclusion regarding various diversity aspects using creative techniques and human-centered design. Participants are sensitized to diversity aspects and are given the opportunity to expand their networks.

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