Design Thinking Training

Image by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

Effort: ⚒⚒

Cost: $$

Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: Research & Development Teams


To sustainably integrate Design Thinking into innovation processes, managers from the research & development field can individually attend a corresponding training course. When selecting employees to participate in the training, various diversity characteristics should be taken into account.

Diversity aspects play a role in all phases of the Design Thinking process. Training in diversity competence can thus usefully complement Design Thinking training.


In the long run, companies will deliver more innovative goods and services that consider the interests of various diversity groups by integrating Design Thinking into research and development. Through a “train the trainers” program, research & development executives are trained to use Design Thinking approaches in innovation processes. They connect the course to their current diversity competencies to advise their workers on the potential effects of implicit stereotypes and sensitize them to diversity issues.

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