Personality-Based Selection

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Participants:: Management & HR 


A whole series of scientifically based personality models are based on the so-called “Big Five” personality factors (Openness to experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism; in short: OCEAN). Creating role profiles, choosing, and applying a reliable instrument, and evaluating and interpreting it all requires a certain degree of psychological expertise. If necessary, HR managers and executives can seek external support if they need it.

On the one hand, it is important to consider the overall team composition regarding different personality factors – while a high level of conscientiousness and emotional stability (that is, the opposite of neuroticism) generally has a positive effect on team productivity, extraversion and openness to experience tend to promote creative performance. The team should be heterogeneous to a certain extent, especially when it comes to social vs. task-related orientation, to establish both a positive working atmosphere and an efficient way of working in the team.


The term “personality” refers to characteristics of behavior and experience that are stable over time and play an increasingly important role in complex activities in the form of “soft skills”. By using their individual character strengths, employees can optimize and further develop their innovative potential.

Personality-based recruitment helps to mitigate the negative effects of unconscious stereotyping and prejudices linked with specific diversity characteristics. For example, instead of inferring a person’s social competence from their gender or their reliability from their origin, it is beneficial to directly assess the personality traits required on the job and to consciously include them in the selection process.

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