Unconscious Bias Training

Image by Matthew Henry on Burst

Effort: ⚒⚒

Cost: $$

Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: HR, Research & Development Teams


“Unconscious bias” describes unconscious prejudices that all people have. In companies, such distorted perceptions lead to unintentional discrimination against certain diversity groups or social minorities. “Unconscious Bias Training” helps HR managers and executives recognize and reflect on their own “blind spots”. In the workshop, participants become more aware of their prejudices, examine alternative perspectives, and learn ways to change their behavior.


Unconscious bias training supports key personnel in the fields of innovation and HR in making informed decisions and clearly justifying them. Ultimately, this contributes to greater diversity in the workforce and helps to establish transparent promotion processes.

An increased awareness of diversity among managers and communication that appreciates socio-cultural differences has a positive effect on the working atmosphere. This environment helps the entire workforce and members of different diversity groups to concentrate on their work and deliver high-quality results.

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