Objective Promotion Criteria

Image by Lukas on Pexels




Participants: Management & HR


All performance and suitability indicators that can be uniformly specified and that are observable/measurable at the personal level can serve as objective promotion criteria. Management & HR should incorporate individual (additional) performance and displays of innovative thinking in the promotion criteria, in addition to obvious indicators such as sales figures or the project goals being met. This is where a high level of motivation and unique skills that considerably contribute to the company’s success will be rewarded. Further drivers for innovation are voluntary participation in internal committees, organizing joint activities, and contributing useful suggestions for improvement. A prerequisite for the effective application of objective promotion criteria is, of course, that they are applied as consistently and non-discriminatorily as possible.


Objective promotion criteria raise the probability that the most qualified individuals will be appointed to expert and responsible roles. On the one hand, this has a positive effect on innovative strength and, on the other, increases equal opportunities for different diversity groups. Members of so-called “social minorities” are generally less confident in advocating for their promotion and tend to be overlooked more often if they do not fit the typical image of a successful manager.

Objective promotion criteria can help minimize the counterproductive influence of (unconscious) stereotypes and personal preferences. They increase the transparency of promotion decisions, resulting in higher acceptance of such decisions and a fairer perception overall.