Internal Awareness Campaign

Image by Jose Silva on Burst

Effort: ⚒⚒⚒

Cost: $$

Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: Diversity and Innovation Managers, HR, Communications


An internal awareness campaign for diversity in innovation can be planned by those in charge of diversity, innovation, HR, and communications and can take several forms. The best way to realize the campaign is to hire a specialist with experience using inclusive language in images and text. Further, the results must be linked to the company’s corporate design and official image, and should include all electronic and physical communication networks in use today. Short video sequences will garner the most attention. Management should actively promote the initiative and address the issue in internal communications when the opportunity arises. Additionally, linking the campaign to current events relevant to the subject of diversity (e.g., Future Day, Women’s Day, Pride Week, Coming Out Day) can increase the campaign’s impact.


An internal awareness campaign will send a strong message about the importance of diversity in innovation. It can help make different diversity groups visible and promote an inclusive culture in innovation. Aside from the importance of the content and professional implementation, it is crucial for the campaign’s effectiveness to widely disseminate the issues discussed. The campaign has the most significant effect when it is coordinated with the overall internal communications strategy.

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