Workshop: Inclusive Language

Image by Leon on Unsplash

Effort: ⚒⚒

Cost: $$

Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: Employees with a focus on communication


A workshop on inclusive language can be held before creating a communication guideline, accompanying its introduction, or standing on its own as an individual measure. The 5 to 15 participants are employees whose work generally has a special connection to the topic of communication.

Participants first learn about diversity-relevant aspects of communication through presentations. Additionally, the workshop’s moderator illustrates the practical relevance of the subject using case studies related to the company’s context. Any questions that arise during the course will also be discussed. During interactive exercises, participants learn how to solve these issues in their day-to-day work.


The theoretical and practical examination of inclusive language sensitizes workshop participants to the topic and allows them to explore new forms of expression. This triggers the necessary reflection processes and discussions to bring about a sustainable cultural change while opening doors for innovative approaches

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