Accessible Design of Infrastructure

Image by Sigmund on Unsplash

Effort: ⚒⚒

Cost: $$

Timeframe: ⏲⏲

Participants: Upper Management


When it comes to accessible design of infrastructure in the workplace, many people immediately think of structural aspects that make a building accessible to all. However, numerous other factors should be considered to meet the diverse needs of employees and external users with disabilities while also benefiting everyone else.

These include linguistic aspects such as ease of understanding or the availability of information in different languages. Those responsible can easily implement such elements in the design of digital media such as websites or apps. More critical characteristics that should be included are visual aspects of communication, such as clear presentation, effective color contrasts, and the ability to change the font size. Further technical aspects such as compatibility of apps and websites with various end devices and operating systems promote accessibility of the workplace to everyone.


Accessible design improves the ergonomics of workplaces by adapting the operational infrastructure to the different needs of the people who use it. These measures might provide access to a work environment for those with physical or mental disabilities while also promoting diverse teams. Making workplace infrastructures accessible reduces unnecessary productivity losses and staff turnover, allowing teams to reach their full innovative potential. Incorporating accessibility early in the planning process might seem like an additional expense at first, but it is much easier and cheaper than redesigning existing solutions. In other words, the long-term advantages of accessible design outweigh the initial costs of implementing it.

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